Spiros Panourgias

Maddalena Grazzini, art director di Artebinaria, presenta l’artista Spiros Panourgias. Il vento le scompiglia i lunghi capelli neri, mentre il suo sguardo è perso in un punto fuori il nostro campo visivo. Alle sue spalle l’azzurro chiaro dell’acqua si unisce al verde del promontorio. Una grigia cornice delimita la composizione. Dove si trova la giovane […]

Spiros Panourgias – Art Review

Maddalena Grazzini, art director of Artebinaria, presents Spiros Panourgias. The wind ruffles her long black hair, while her gaze is lost in a spot outside our field of vision. Behind her, the light blue of the water blends with the green of the promontory. A grey frame delimits the composition. Where is the young MIYUKI? […]

Judit Nagy L. – LNJ

Maddalena Grazzini, art director di Artebinaria, presenta l’artista Judit Nagy L. – LNJ La scelta del vino giusto a tavola non è sempre un compito facile, le difficoltà non solo risiedono nell’abbinare il vino ai piatti, ma è necessario considerare sempre il gusto delle persone, la fascia di prezzo, la preferenza di una bottiglia di […]

Judit Nagy L. – LNJ – Art Review

Maddalena Grazzini, art director of Artebinaria, presents Judit Nagy L. LNJ. Choosing the right wine for the table is not always an easy task: the difficulties lie not only in matching the wine to the dishes, but it’s always necessary to consider people’s taste, price, preference for a bottle from a specific territory or from […]

Carolina Ramonde – Art Review

Maddalena Grazzini, art director of Artebinaria, presents Carolina Ramonde. In her paintings, Carolina takes the viewer inside the astonishing cycle of life, using both swirling circular brushstrokes and fragmented strokes. The events of contemporaneity are filtered through the eyes of the artist, who uses color as a fundamental evocative element, and enhances it in a […]

Carolina Ramonde

Maddalena Grazzini, art director di Artebinaria, presenta l’artista Carolina Ramonde. Nella pittura di Carolina Ramonde trovano espressione vorticose pennellate circolari pulsanti e tratti di pennello frammentati, che trasportano l’osservatore all’interno dello straordinario ciclo della vita. La contemporaneità viene filtrata attraverso gli occhi dell’artista, che usa il colore come elemento evocativo fondamentale e lo veicola attraverso […]

Gro Folkan

Maddalena Grazzini, art director di Artebinaria, presenta l’artista Gro Folkan. La memoria ed il mistero di un sapere antico sono spesso l’essenza imprescindibile nel viaggio che ciascun individuo compie ogni giorno, passo dopo passo, tra sentieri desolati, sconosciuti, frammentati, dove la luce si alterna all’oscurità, il silenzio al rumore, il movimento alla stasi. L’artista norvegese […]

Gro Folkan – Art Review

Maddalena Grazzini, art director of Artebinaria, presents Gro Folkan. Memory and mystery of ancient knowledge are often the fundamental essence of the journey, that we all make every day, step by step, through desolate, unknown, fragmented paths, where light alternates with darkness, silence with noise, movement with stasis. The Norwegian artist Gro Folkan highlights her […]

Get up close to The Fortune-Teller by Georges de La Tour in Augmented Reality

The Fortune-Teller comes to life in life-size (101.9 x 123.5 cm) in your living room, in augmented reality, thanks to the app Artinside Museum, available on the App Store, for iPhone and iPad. Georges de La Tour’s masterpiece is part of Artinside Museum’s second collection, dedicated to the theme of Portraits. The painting is exhibited […]

How the impossible becomes possible, using Artinside Gallery+

The impossible becomes possible A new exhibition format The visitor in Artinside Gallery+ Artinside Gallery+ and augmented reality Watch the video The impossible becomes possible You have to want the impossible, because the impossible can happen. Eraclito It could be very difficult, if not impossible, to exhibit works of art simultaneously in the rain, on […]